Create With Tera

APIs instantly enable digital banking, cards, payments, and lending.

Multi-Bank Switch

Connecting and integrating with multiple banks through a single interface or platform
By introducing multiple sponsor banks, each providing overlapping and modular services accessible to all Fintech platform-wide, our licensed BaaS platform uniquely makes the entire ecosystem more reliable with less risk


TERA offers fully managed digital infrastructure to create bank accounts, offer wallets, send payments, and issue white-labeled co-branded cards to your customers.

Payments API

Cards API

Banking API

Teams API

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Payments API

Payments API Operates to integrate a payment solution with another existing application, such as connecting a business's checkout function to the payment system.









"city":"San Francisco",


"name":"Rocket Rides",





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Banking API

Analytics, account authentication, account information, payment processing, and even loyalty programs.









"city":"San Francisco",


"name":"Rocket Rides",





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Cards API

Versatile Personalization, Agile Wallet integrations & tokenization, PCI Security standards, Dynamic authorization, Profitability, Global Scale-ups.
Supports physical & virtual cards for a wide range of use cases.









"city":"San Francisco",


"name":"Rocket Rides",





Modular Banking is a Game Changer for Fintechs

End users
Fintech Application